

Maybe hate is a strong word. For the most part my reaction to whatever your personal vanity plate says is, "who cares." I don't care if you figured out a clever way to say that you love dogs, you are a soccer mom or you are part of Raider Nation in 7 characters or less. What I hate even more than vanity plates of the cheesy variety are the ones that are so complex and personalized to you specifically that they make no sense to anyone but you. What is the point of that? I don't want to feel like I am trying to figure out a word scramble while driving.

The other day I came across a vanity plate that didn't seem to fit into the cheesy or annoying cateragory. I don't know where it belongs to be honest and I am truly at a loss for words as to why someone thought that this would be a "cute idea." It said, POO(heart shape. lame)SME.

Poo loves me!?! Um, gross. Personally, I think some things are just better left unsaid.

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