
Conversations with Jessie...x2

Considering my sister is one of the funniest people I know, it should not be surprising that one conversation with her warrants two separate "Conversations with Jessie." Sometimes, I think that maybe I am the only one who thinks these are funny...then again...sometimes I think you might be jealous that she is not your sister.

Jessie: How was work today?
Heather: Oh fine. Busy.
Jessie: Do you want to know what does not taste good?
Heather: Um....
Jessie: Rotten Kalamata olives.
Heather: I can imagine.
Jessie: It was like I was eating them....but in reverse.
Heather: Well, thank you for the warning.
Jessie: Just an FYI.

This next one, I would like to preface with the fact that my sister is a very, very good baker. However, I think that this next little moment of banter is due to her lack of employment and boredom.

Heather: What did you do today?
Jessie: Today, I made Red Velvet cupcakes...sans the red.
Heather: Oh...kay. How is that?
Jessie: Well, we didn't have any red food coloring.
Heather: But the name of the cake is Red Velvet cake.
Jessie: I would have been able to make a Blue Velvet cupcakes...but I thought that would be gross.
Heather: Again, I don't see the point of making a Red Velvet cake without the main ingredient!
Jessie: Oh yeah, I didn't have any eggs either.


Anonymous said...

your blog is boring and your sister IS NOT funny. bye

Heather said...

Sounds like someone has a case of the grumpies!

Brittaney said...

Dear Anonymous,

Your personality is acidic and your thighs ARE large.

Come over to my neck of the woods sometime and we can share some words. Just saying.


Heather said...

I love My Brittaney!

Anonymous said...

Oh, also, I forgot to mention that I routinely flog kittens, I REALLY like Nickelback, and I have horrendous body odor by my own choosing.

Josh said...

Dude, why even bother...