
And to top it all off...

...I looked down at my watch today...it was still set on east coast time. Very sad.


I returned from Georgia last Sunday. It was a much-needed weekend with Grant and the first time I had seen him in 5 weeks. It was also my first time on a red-eye flight. My flight left at 10:10 pm and my luck placed me in the aisle seat in the row behind the exit row. This meant that not only did I have nothing to lean my head against, I also could not recline. Needless to say, I was not really able to sleep on the plane.

However, it was all worth it when I saw Grant waiting for me at baggage claim. I realized then how much I missed him.

The weather was perfect, all except for the last day when it poured. I saw the office, we drove around Decatur, went out for a very nice dinner, drove an hour to Athens and saw a show that completely blew me away and most importantly, was reminded how much fun I have hanging out with Grant. Seeing him for a few days was great, but it also felt like one big tease. It just made me miss him more. It was hard to leave Georgia, it was hard to come home, it was even hard to unpack. I hate feeling like this.


While waiting to go through security at Atlanta International, I noticed a display case to my left. In it were items that you could not pack in your carry-on bagage. One of these items: a chainsaw. All I have to say is, thank God I forgot mine at Grant's. That would have been embarassing.



A little girl came to school today with a shirt on that had a picture of an ice-cream truck scene. In the picture, a little boy and girl are purchasing some frozen treats from the ice cream man. Innocent enough. Then, written in big, bold, red letters it says "Creamy Fun."

Um, something tells me that this shirt was not made in America and something went wrong in the traslation.


There were four little four year olds standing around me today. The first one says, "Teacher Heather! I got a hair cut!" The second one says, "Teacher Heather! I got a hair cut too!" The third one says, "Teacher, one time I went to the hair cut store." The forth one says, "My mommy makes me soup with chicken noodles!"

I don't know what is funnier: the fact that her comment was completly random OR the fact that she called them "chicken noodles."


You are not going to believe this...

...but Barbra Streisand just called me and told me to vote no on the recall. Who would have ever thought that I would be so lucky to get a call from the Ms. Streisand herself. Today is my lucky day. Maybe she knew I was sick?
What the hell?

Sick for the second time in two weeks? Not fair.