
Ask and ye shall receive....

The name of this blog is "Are you there God? It's me, Heather." Just a silly play on the Judy Blume book? Perhaps. But sometimes there are important questions in life that need answers. So my beautiful babies, I have found a place where the questions go directly to the source. I, for one, can sleep a whole lot easier knowing that my prayers have been answered.


I'll try not to beg.

Recently I've been thinking about the conversations I will have with my children someday that are synonymous to the ones our parents had with us. I'm talking about the "walked to school barefoot, uphill, both ways" and "it was just a mere 5 cents to go to the picture show" kind of stories.

My stories will probably be something like "I remember the day when you could actually go and watch the plane take off. AND you didn't even need to take off all of your clothes before going through security!" I also think about the things that my kids will ask me that will go something like this, "Wait, when you were a kid people couldn't...?" I remember when I came to the realization that, wait, within my parents lifetime, interracial marriage was illegal.

Isn't that a beautiful thing? The fact that it was ever illegal seeming unthinkable to a child? A child who never knew interracial marriage was anything but perfectly normal?

Let me have that same conversation with my kids someday. If you live in California, please vote No on 8.