
Conversations with kids

Child: Teacher Heather, look! (pointing to the bracelet on her arm)
Me: Wow! You have a beautiful bracelet on today!
Child: No, not that. I have arm hair!

Why I need a camera phone.

I was driving to work the other day, just like any other day, and I noticed a pick-up truck in front of me. In the back of the truck there was a dog kennel. At about the same time I noticed the kennel, the strangest looking dog I had ever seen came out. I stared at the dog for about 30 seconds thinking to my self, "What in the hell kind of dog is that?" And then it hit me. This "dog" was not actually a dog at all. Nope, it was a baby cow. Of course! Why wouldn't there be a baby cow in the back of a pick-up truck headed north bound 880 during morning rush hour!


Conversations with Jessie

Scene: Driving past Cold Stone at the Fremont Hub.

Jessie: Did I ever tell you about my date fiasco at Cold Stone?
Heather: No.
Jessie: Well, the guy ordered the biggest scoop you could possibly order, in a chocolate dipped waffle bowl of course, and this was after he had eaten almost all of the pizza we ordered at dinner. And even though he kept saying "Uhhhh.....I can't eat anymore," he finished it.
Heather: Oh yeah...didn't he keep farting while he was eating his ice-cream or something.
Jessie: No, the farting happened on the second date.
Heather: Ah yes, he was a winner.

Needless to say, there was never a third date.

P.S. Happy Birthday Love!


Well this can't be good.

I am driving home from work today and the dj says "Up next, we have Ashlee Simpson's Pieces of Me." And even though it was just me, sitting alone in my car, on the drive home, out loud I said, "Oh, cool!" I then proceeded to turn the volume up and sing every word of the song from memory.

Now, it is not like I am going to run out and buy her album from Target or anything, and it is not like it is my favorite song right now, but I just can't resist the catchy lyrics. And hey, I am a self proclaimed "Newlyweds" junkie. I just can't get enough of the Nick and Jessica! However, I am really not a fan of Jessica's work. And to be honest, I will often turn the channel when a Jessica Simpson song comes on. But I feel differently about little punk rock Ash.

Don't get me wrong, I am fully aware that she only has a music career because of the huge success of her older sis. And, as my very talented musician of a boyfriend pointed out, it doesn't really say much about you as a musician when you are already a signed recording artist but you have never had a sound check because you have never performed before.

So maybe you think I am a total loser for singing along to this new radio hit and maybe I am. That's why I keep Grant around anyway; to keep my music library well rounded. But Allie, you got my back, right sista?

P.S. Check out all the "Pieces of Me" (heh heh) on my new profile!