

Working on a paper at 11:30 pm, but listening to some Sarah McLachlan, so all is right with the world.


...and in the distance, the melodic tune to "Pomp and Circumstance" could be heard.

Do you know what I did today? I picked up an application to graduate. GRADUATE! Perhaps you don't feel the same excitement as I do. In fact, I am sure you don't, but for me, this is huge. I mean, so far I have been in school for 15.5 years of my life and that does not include preschool or the year and a half I have left to complete. But the thought of being done with school...FOREVER, blows my mind. So, wish me luck...because next spring, I will walk across that stage at Arco Arena and prove to the CSU system that by taking an overload of classes each semester, you can obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Child Development in just 4 years!