

It's really convenient being born near a three-day weekend. Not only does it mean I have a day off, it also means it's mini-vacation time! This past weekend, Grant and I went down to San Luis Obispo for a very nostalgic mini-vacation. We are very fond of San Luis Obispo. Grant went to school there, and I did not. I went to Sac State. The distance was about as fun as an unmedicated root canal and one of the only things that made it bearable was our frequent trips to visit one another.

We still try to do these trips as frequently as we can, and we often find ourselves in the comfort of San Luis Obispo. A lot has changed about the city since Grant went to college there. Specifically, a lot has changed about the way we "roll" when we spend the weekend there, but some things have stayed the same.

First similarity: we stay in a hotel. That's right, back in college and now, we sleep in hotels. Why? Because in college Grant lived in a hotel for the first year. This means that he had a queen-sized bed, a private bathroom and maid service. I, on the other hand, lived in a dorm. I had a twin bed, shared a public restroom with 30 other girls, and had to wear shower shoes to avoid staph infections. But I'm not bitter at all. Living in a cinder-block-walled room the size of a pantry is all part of the college experience. Grant was the one who missed out.

What also has not changed is a trip to Bali's Self Serve Frozen Yogurt. Self-serve yogurt and toppings?!?! Ingenious. It is a place where I see all my childhood dreams coming true. As a kid, I hated the fact that you never got enough toppings. If I'd had it my way, I would have preferred to have a little yogurt with my toppings. In fact, I remember wanting to invent a place called a "topping store." I guess no one was willing to burst my bubble and tell me that such a thing already existed in what is commonly known as a "candy store."

However, a lot of our activities have changed since college, but I think I can say with quite a bit of confidence that Grant and I still know how to party.

In college, our days were often spent sleeping in until the early afternoon and then spending the day lounging and gearing up for the evening festivities. This past weekend, however, we did what any young, twenty-something, childless couple would do on a weekend away. We went and saw the elephant seals in San Simeon...twice. And let me tell you, do elephant seals know how to party! The males are all, "Hello ladies!" and the ladies are all, "Nuh-uh. Oh no you di-unt. You ain't gonna be my baby daddy!" But unfortunately, in the elephant seal world, no does not mean no.

But those aren't the only Bulls Grant and I are familiar with down there. In college, we spent many a Saturday night at Bull's Tavern. To give you an idea of the quality that is Bull's Tavern, just read the first few reviews that I linked to; the place is glorious. These days, we no longer make the time for this delightful dive. Because honestly, how much fun is it really going to be for Grant and me to hang out with girls in jean mini-skirts, thongs and Ugg boots who routinely jump up on the bar when "Welcome to the Jungle" comes on the jukebox? I have moved on from Purple Hooter shots and Rolling Rocks. When I go out for a drink, I want to wear my pearls and I want it to be a dirty martini with Grey Goose. And I want this drink after dinner, so around 9:30-ish. Because I want the lights to be out at 10:30; I don't want to be going out at 10:30.

So yes, I'm getting older. A year older just a few days ago to be exact. Sometimes it's hard to swallow. College was fun and partying was exciting and I miss it sometimes. And yes, I am ready to call it a night when all the young 'uns are heading out for a night of debauchery. I like to think these changes are just preparing us for what lies ahead in the (hopefully) near future. Or, maybe we are just two mini-vacations away from smelling like moth balls in our gold Lincoln Continental. But so long as I am with this guy, I'll take it.


Call your Grandmother!

Me: Hi Grandma. How are you?
Grandma: I'm fine, how about you?
Heather: Fine. I am calling you for no reason at all.
Grandma: Well that's the best reason for calling!

I would have to agree. Today you should call your [insert someone important in your life here] for no reason at all.