
Don't ya think?

I find it a form of cruel and unusual punishment when you are at the gym and the hanging TVs above your head are tuned to the food network. Not only is it the food network, it's Sandra Lee's show. Nothing is worse, in my opinion. If she is not using Tater Tots to substitute for potatoes, cool whip topping for real whipped cream, or making this (ugh), she is pouring vodka into a chilled champagne glass and calling it a cocktail. Plus her eyes make her look dead inside. Easy on the eye liner for God's sake.

On second thought, maybe all the TVs in the gym should be her show. The loss of appetite is basically instantaneous.


Brittaney said...

Ricotta, beer and chive sauce? For serious? That woman is deranged.

Heather said...

If you notice on that same page there are links to other recipes from that episode...one of which were "Spicy Beer Marys" Nothing says a good time like: "I am going to drink this because I plan on vomiting later!" Revolting.