
Conversations with Jessie

Friends: The one with Frank Junior

Joey: Maybe my ruler is wrong.
Phoebe: Maybe all the rulers are wrong.

My phone rings:

Heather: Hello?
Jessie: Hey.
Heather: Hey.
Jessie: I am very distressed.
Heather: Why?
Jessie: Because I just went to the doctor and apparently I am 5'8" 1/2. 5'8"1/2!?! How tall are you?
Heather: 5'11"
Jessie: What the hell!
Heather: I'm sorry?
Jessie: I am 5'10". That is what I identify with; that is what I always tell people. 5'10" is cool. 5'8" 1/2, is so...boring. So, either I am shrinking or the ruler is wrong.
Heather: Maybe all the rulers are wrong.
Jessie: Friends?
Heather: Yeah.

One of our many talents. We can always bring it back to Friends.


Allison said...

This is the best conversation with Jessie ever.

Heather said...

I would have to say one of my top 3.