
Seat me next to the quiet starer, please

I think my best friend, Brittaney, asked the right question: first and foremost, why would I ever be on a day long bus trip. That being said, I choose the starer.

You have make your choice based on who you can most easily get away from. Now, "Chatty Cathy" to your left may be annoying but is quite possibly very nice lady who just wants to share her story with anyone who will listen at the doctors office, in line at the grocery store or on a bus as the case may be. I don't want there to be any hurt feelings or have to tell her that I am going to be moving seats because if I don't I am going to shove spoons in my ears.

Poor Cathy.

Now, the starer is clearly a freak. So I say after one request for him or her to "Please stop staring at me" you are with your full authority to give them one serious stink eye and move several rows back.

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