
Let's git er done!

Plinky asked me to create a bucket list. I don't think I am asking to much, do you?

Become a Mom
One might think this is too obvious of a "bucket list" item. However, this is proving to be much more of a difficult challenge for me. I know I will get there. It is just taking a bit longer than planned and I think if I set it as a goal to accomplish before I die, I am sure to achieve it.

Oh, and word to the wise: It is rude to ask a woman when and if she is planning on having children because you don't know a thing about her. That being said, if you ask me, I might cut you. Also, don't ever tell me to relax. Because if you do, I just might ask you how easy it is to relax while I am hurling my fist at your jaw bone.

Go to Africa
Cliche? Sure. But I don't care and I think it is something that everyone should do at least once in their life. My dear friend Annie just got back from a trip to Africa where she volunteered at a orphanage. She told me, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if I had gone I would have left Africa with a baby. (Hmmmm....interesting....see #1)

Live in a house with character
I want built-ins, original hardwood floors, leaded glass windows and maybe a wrap around porch. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the newness of a track home that requires little to no work other than moving in. I appreciate the fact that the plumbing or heating doesn't need to be replaced every year. But there is still something that draws me to a house that needs a little TLC. A house that my hands were a part of. This kind of stuff would help me look past the fact that my toilet OVERFLOWS EVERY DAY.

See a ghost
I am strangely obsessed with ghosts. I have no solid evidence of their existence but if they are real I sure would like to meet one. Preferably a friendly one.

Publish something
The interweb has made it fairly easy to pretty much say whatever you want and make it available for the world to read. I do this less than often on my blogs where little to no one reads or cares what I have to say. I would like to think that if given the opportunity others might enjoy what I have to say and by others I mean not my mom.


Anonymous said...

I saw that you were following me on plinky. That's when I realized I enjoy reading you. Hope you don't mind, I'm following your blog now too.

Heather said...

Not at all! I hope you enjoy!

Daniel said...

you've already seen a ghost! remember? emerald place...

Heather said...

OMG. How could I forget....:)

Spencer said...

Trust me... a house with character is A LOT OF WORK!!! So plan to make it your part-time job. ;)