
The $100 store.

The $100 store, or the "$50 store" as I try to call it more often so as not to drive us horribly into debt is commonly known to most people as Target. I don't know what it is about that store but when you enter the doors, you are sucked into some kind of alternate reality that convinces you that it doesn't really matter what your original need was when you enter Target because regardless, you will be leaving with either $50 or $100 worth in goods.

Take the other day for example. Grant and I went to Target to purchase the following items:

1. Foil
2. Deodorant
3. Spray-n-Wash

My best estimate: Total cost of the items will be about $13.

Here is what we left Target with (including but not limited too):

1. Halloween socks for my nieces
2. 3 CDs
3. A wicker pumpkin
4. Halloween themed tablecloths
5. A giant, decorative, ceiling spider
6. An "I love Jim Halpert" (from The Office) magnetic notepad for the fridge.
7. Chip clips
8. A houndstooth headband
9. Toilet Paper
10. Foil
11. Deodorant
12. Spray-n-Wash

As you can see, all very necessary purchases. Since I now have come to terms with the fact that it is simply impossible to walk into Target, go directly to the foil aisle, as the case my be, ignore the temptation of the shoes, clothes, decorative candles and clearance end caps, I have decided to embrace it. Since I can typically determine within the first 2 minutes if it is going to be a $50 day or a $100 dollar day, I make every effort to come in just below that number. And the grand total of all our purchases the other day, ridiculous Halloween decor included...$99.45.

Just barely though. As we were about to go check out and we were walking past the shoe section, Grant said, "You know honey, I saw some really cute shoes over there that I thought you might....you know, why do I even suggest these things to you?"

It is a disease, I tell you.


Brittaney said...

I'm pumped for the Halloween socks. JS.

Heather said...

Oh you should be...they are Target-rific!