
I have never been a very good runner. I have never really been that good at any kind of athletic activity to be honest. I remember in Junior High, we had to run these things called "cross-countries." Almost everyone hated cross-country day. The PE teachers had these ridiculous expectations of us and we were given a grade for the number of cross-countries we could do in a class period. I think if you streched out the number of cross-countries you needed to run in order to get an "A" for that day into one straight line, you actually would have run across the country.

Post Junior High, I have made several febele attempts at running with little success. I have just never had the stamina or the drive to keep going. But then Brittaney gets me on this "excersize plan" that she developed. It is really not that hard. Work out for four days within the week, any days you choose, for 30 minutes. If you fail to work out four days in a week, you will receive a "mark." If you get two marks, two weeks in a row, you have to run a mile without stopping and buy dinner for the other person. Well I got two marks in a row and it came my time to run my mile, without stopping. I told Brittaney there was no way I could do it. To my surprise I did it and I think I discovered the trick for all you "I can't run" people out there. Once you reach the point while you are running of total agony, (you know the one, it feels like you are about to die) run a little bit further and your adreneline kicks in or something and the pain goes away. Sure, I feel numb from the chest down, but I can keep running!

But seriously, running really is about baby steps. Little by little my body is able to take me further and further. I don't wake up sore anymore, I sleep better, and I almost feel cleansed after a nice jog. And do you know where those baby steps took me tonight? Two miles, without stopping, on a tredmil! Granted, it was no marathon, but it sure as hell was two miles of one!

P.S. I never did buy Brittaney dinner.

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