
Things I kinda missed about being at school....

-my babies at the children's center
-the melodic sounds of my roommate singing songs that he makes up as he goes along
-that fresh "I just started school and I am on top of things" feeling....which will last about one week.
-the chickens on campus...who are acting mighty frisky this time of year.
-being a senior again...graduating senior that is.
-making sure EVERYONE knows that you are, in fact, a graduating senior.
-the second floor of the union....a very radical place to study and people watch.
-midnight waffles....now, admittedly, I have not yet had one, but it is nice to know that the opportunity is there.
-being 20 minutes away from Brittaney...which brings me to....

Things I don't really miss about being back at school....

-the long distance thing...still really sucks.
-being a regular at the reserve book room at the library.
-missing the shuttle to campus
-driving to campus....and then trying to park
-getting sick from the runny noses at the children's center
-coming to grips with the fact that even though I miss Grant, didn't really like living here and always acted like I just wanted it to be over....it is actually all going to be over very soon and I just don't know if I want it to be quite yet.

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