

Well for now anyway. It was a busy busy semester and I am so glad it is over. I never thought I would say this, but you know that stuff that you learn in college...and you say, "why are we learning this? I am never going to use it." This semester I realized that finally I am actually going to use what I learned. It really is a great feeling. But you want to know an even greater feeling? Having a five week vacation where I can seriously sit around and do nothing. That is what I'm talking about.

The first few days of my vacation have been really tough. I did some xmas shopping, took pictures with santa, sat on the couch and watched tv and had several drinks with some really great friends. Anyway, I know you don't really care about any of this but it has been a while since I have posted and it is not like anyone reads this thing anyway so why do I have to be insightful or funny anyway. Goodnight and Merry Chirstmas.

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