
Better than a pony.

(This is a post from my wonderful husband's company that just launched last thursday. I realize that the title I gave it makes it seem a little random but I wanted to try posting it to my blog from plinky.com. The question was "What wild animal would you like to have as a pet." Leave it to me to think of something random.)

Just to preface, these are not my "My Little Ponies." Mine prefer not to have their picture taken.

Tea Party! by Mary Bliss (dreamcicle19772006 (Checking Periodcally))

When I was a kid, my sister, cousins and I would play "invisible animals" (I have no idea why I am admitting this openly by the way). We had every animal in the book and they would help us with a variety of things such as saving the world and general crime fighting. My favorite of those animals was a unicorn I called Orange Twilight.

I realize a unicorn is not a "real" animal. But think about all the amazing abilities you would acquire by having a unicorn in your life? Not only do you have the free mode of transportation you have free access to magic as well! Not to mention Twilight's skills in fighting crime.

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