If I were a superhero, I would certainly wear tights
Better than a pony.
Just to preface, these are not my "My Little Ponies." Mine prefer not to have their picture taken.
Tea Party! by Mary Bliss (dreamcicle19772006 (Checking Periodcally))
When I was a kid, my sister, cousins and I would play "invisible animals" (I have no idea why I am admitting this openly by the way). We had every animal in the book and they would help us with a variety of things such as saving the world and general crime fighting. My favorite of those animals was a unicorn I called Orange Twilight.
I realize a unicorn is not a "real" animal. But think about all the amazing abilities you would acquire by having a unicorn in your life? Not only do you have the free mode of transportation you have free access to magic as well! Not to mention Twilight's skills in fighting crime.