
Converations with Jessie

Ode to Oregon

Mom, Dad, I don't think you know the full extent of this story so now might be a good time to close your eyes. Sorry for telling on you Jess:

The following are tips for how not to get caught by your parents if you are planning on taking a secret road trip: 1. Do not take pictures of funny road signs along the way. 2. Do not ask your mom to get the pictures developed for you but not to look at them.

Jessie: I drove to Oregon once. Remember that?
Heather: Oh yeah. Wait...I thought you only drove to Redding?
Jessie: Well Mom saw the pictures of the road signs we took along the way and we ran out of film in Redding so....
Heather: You are an idiot! You actually created your own evidence.
Jessie: Yeah. True story.
Heather: What did you even do in Oregon?
Jessie: We drove across the border into Ashland, ate a Subway sandwich and then drove home.
Heather: That's awesome.

Mom and Dad, you can open your eyes now.


Brittaney said...

This post was probably the best "Conversations with Jessie" that I have ever read. Road signs? Seriously? To go on a "secret" roadtrip and take pictures of the very thing that will not only give you away but show the exact path you took is hilarious beyond mesure.

Heather said...

I know! The part that kills me is the fact that she asked my mom to develop them and still thought she would not get away with it! And all that way for a subway sandwich! As a food snob, I must protest!

Unknown said...

I don't know... to go for a Subway sandwhich makes it all about the journey. To have prime rib would have made it about the beef and Jessie was probably a vegetarian then...
