
Babies abound!

As many of you know, my best friend is expecting twin girls and the anticpation of their arrival is exciting and overwhelming.

Now, many may think that this news has given me what is commonly reffered to as "baby fever." This is entirly untrue.

Ok, fine. So the sight of Brittaney's ever-expanding belly makes me ache to the core of my being. But I don't think that means anything.

I mean, so what if I am just doing some regular old shopping for some regular old "I am not pregnant nor am I a mom yet" things I just happen to wander into the baby departments at The Gap, Target, or Gymboree for example. Is there really anything wrong with that?

And you know what, I Tivo TLC's "A Baby Story" daily for educational purposes only.

See, isn't it obvious that this is not something I am looking for right now. I have baby fever! Ridiculous.

1 comment:

Brittaney said...

If you really want me to I guess I could give you one of mine... I mean, two is really a lot to handle. :)