
Well, it's official

That's right people! I am now an official, card carrying (literally) Shellen. Last Monday I found my way to the Social Security Office which I think is actually one of the saddest places on earth, and had my name changed.

As excited I was to get married, this was a step I was not looking forward to talking. I never thought it would bother me until the reality of the whole thing hit me. Just like that I am not Heather Andersen anymore. But I like Heather Andersen. It makes me feel special when I say things like, "that's Andersen, with an sEn." Us "sen's" have had to fight for the correct spelling of our name since, well the beginning of time, or, well at least it feels like that. I guess I just was sad to give that up.

But, through compromise, I did it. I did not so much as change my name, rather I added to it. And I am happy with that decision. So I am offcially as "Mrs." now. And although I will never Miss again, I will always be an Andersen (Shellen).

1 comment:

Toni said...

At least you can find solace in a few things:

1. you still have the whole "En" thing with ShellEN

2. people don't call you mrs. pope

3. your name is not cartoonish in the least