
Wedding Bells

That's right peeps! I'm engaged. As of last Friday, Grant is now my fiance. It was obviously a very exciting day and despite how long we have been talking about getting engaged and should have seen it coming, I did not see it coming at all. At times, it seemed like it was never going to happen but in the end, it was well worth the wait. The ring is beautiful and I could not be happier!

I am all ready to start planning and have no idea where to begin. I am excited and overwhelmed but I am sure that is will all work itself out. And I have already decided, there will be no problems in planning this wedding, only challenges!

So get ready for an entire year of "wedding theme" website posts because I have a feeling that that is all that will be on my mind for a while!

Here is how one of my students reacted to the news:

Child: You're getting married!
Me: That's right! Isn't it exciting!?!
Child: You need a boyfriend.
Me: ????

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