
A letter to all of my 5 readers

Dear Fans,

I know that it has been a long and agonizing wait for you because it has been so long since I have updated and for that I am truly sorry. I guess I just haven't had the time or the stories that I felt were worthy or funny enough to share with all you.

My best friends, Brittaney and Ryan, were married on June 26th. I was one of Brittaney's two maids of honor. It was, by far, the most fun I have ever had at a wedding. This could have been for one of three reasons:

1. I have never been in a wedding before.
2. It was two of my best friends.
3. I was of legal drinking age.

Most likely, it was because of reason number three. Anyway, it was beautiful and every engaged couple could have learned something from that wedding. Couldn't have been more perfect!

Other than that, nothing much new is going on. My sincerest apologies to the handful of you that check my site bi-monthly to see what's new with Heather. I will try to better meet your needs from now on. Take care and I will see you in a couple weeks (or months, whatever)


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