
Who again?

So I started my job and I am really enjoying it; I have no huge complaints to date. Well, I have one I guess. They can't remember my name. All the kids except for a handful, only call me "Teacher" or "Hey Teacher." Now, I am not going to get into now, but I alrady have my issues with the title of "Teacher (fill in the blank)" and I find it must more appropriate and respectful to be refered to as "Miss (fill in the blank). However, my kids do not fill in the blank and as previously stated, I am left simply nameless. So I have been trying to teach them by asking "Teacher who? What is my name?" or "My name is not Hey, it is Heather, Teacher Heather." That is when I get the variations of my name. For example, one little girl call me "Teacher Feather." Then there is the ever popular "Teacher Hedder." (That "th" sound is a real bitch). And probably my least favorite of them all "Teacher Heifer" (thanks a lot kid).

So finally today, after 15 children came up to me screaming "Hey Teacher! Hey Teacher!" I said, "That is not my name. Who here can tell me what my name is?" And one proud little girls yelled "I know! I know! Teacher Lily!" Come to find out "Teacher Lily" was there subsitute teacher for one week several months ago! What the hell? But I am trying to keep it positive; at least it is a name not another synonym for a cow.

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