
I have to admit that I like the feeling I get when I am recieving applause. I have been sining in choirs and/or solo for the past 8 years or so and I have yet to get tired of the sound of a happy and appreciative audience at the end of a performance. Now that I have graduated and gotten a real job, I am no longer singing in a choir. Sure, I sing at church on the Sundays that I am around and sometimes the congregation with clap for me at the end of mass, but it is a rarity. I mean, church really is not supposed to be a show. Latley I have been thinking...will I ever find myself on stage in a choir or soo performance again? At this point I don't know. Will I ever get that rush again?

Today I did. Granted it was not a performance hall, it was my classroom. And it was not an audience of hundreds, rather a handful of three and four-year-olds. But today, they gave me the best round of applause I have ever been given. During circle time, I brought out my special book that was given to me by my darling nephews, "I don't want to live on the moon." (the popular sesame street hit, performed by Ernie). After sining the song, the sound of all 12 sets of hands erupted into applause that was totally child initiated!! They really liked me! After the clapping died down one little boy said "Teacher Heather, you are so pretty when you sing for us." I had to hold back a tear or two.

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