
And so it begins...

Now that both Grant and I have graduated college, I have heard this question approximatly 14 million times: "So, when are you guys getting married?" And its variation 4 million times: "When's the wedding?"

Okay, so maybe I am exaggerating a little, but the questions have caused me to begin to stress out about an engagment that has not even happened yet. And yes Grant, I know that most of that stress is caused by my own stressful personality. However, my point is that I love talking about my future plans with Grant but starting right now, I am not going to worry about it until something actually happens!

In high school it was, "Where do you want to go to college?"
In community college it was "So where do you really want to go to college"
At four year it was "What's your major?" then, "So what do you want to, like, do after graduation?"
At graduation it is "Have you found a job?"
And now the marriage question! Will it ever end? Probably not.

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