
My little Brittaney is all grown up!

I would like to dedicate this post to my best friend Brittaney because today she turns a quarter of a century old.

I have to say, in my completely unbiased opinion, that we have the best friendship ever. We talk to each other almost everyday. We always support each other when need be. I know that no matter what, I can count on Brittaney. We can make each other laugh, even when no one else thinks we are being funny. And we have only had one fight, which Brittaney may try to tell you that I was being unreasonable but don't buy it.

Anyway, Happy Birthday B. I love you.

Your Heather

1 comment:

Toni said...

Mad props to Heather for giving B Dog such a fitting tribute. She may be all grown up, but she's still the girl that eats enchiladas with her hands to me : ) Happy 25th B!