
Conversations with Jessie

Scene: Jessie has just told me a very long detailed story about how she got up really early this morning to get all dolled up for the boy who works at the coffee shop only to find out that upon her arrival, he was not in today. Action:

Jessie: My outfit was wasted!
Me: You will just have to go back tomorrow.
Jessie: Yeah. But now I need a new outfit and this one was the money outfit. I mean, anyone would have wanted to have me in this. Seriously.

My little sister ladies and gentlemen.


LeperColony said...

Can women really only wear each outfit once? I thought that law was repealed during the sexual revolution.

Heather said...

Well, according to my sister, the other guy who works there saw her in the money outfit. So if she showed up the next day in that outfit, it would be obvious. You see the problem?