
"Will that be all (fill in the blank)"

I remember when I was a pre-teen and I got so excited when store clerks would call me "Miss." Being called "Miss" is a huge milestone in an adolescent's development; finally, the general public is begining to recognize you as an adult as well. So today I am in the grocery store trying to re-stock my kitchen when the bagger, who looks to be about my age, says to me..."Would you like any help out today Ma'am?" Whoa! Back the truck up! Why was I not made aware of this transition from Miss to Ma'am? This is not an exciting milestone like being called "miss" for the first time. Do I look like a ma'am? I hope not...not yet at least.

Then again, when I went to get my car smogged, the man behind the counter says to me "What can I help you with today young lady?" Whoa! Back the truck up! Did you just call me young lady? Do I look like a five-year-old girl with pig-tail braides? Am I being scolded? So in my head I think..."Young lady! That's ma'am to you buddy!"

I don't get me.

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