
Best weekend ever!

It really is easy to have the best weekend ever when you have the best friends ever.

It started with a little holiday adventure to Arden Fair Mall to take a picture with Santa to get us in the holiday spirit. We then enjoyed a lovely feast of Morraccan food where we ate with our hands only, (way to go Toni!)and saw some belly dancers. To top the whole weekend off, all eight of us curled up around the fire and watched one of the greatest Christmas movies of all times, National Lampoon's Chistmas Vacation. I mean, what doesn't say "good times" more than Chevy Chase's redition of Joy to the World?



Everytime, without fail, the first thing I think of when I walk into the dry cleaners is, "Maybe today. Maybe today will be the day that the cleaner doesn't have to push the button that rotates the clothes and brings your freshly pressed garments to you because my clothes will be right in front, waiting for me."

Yesterday, my friends, was that day. I knew the odds were not in my favor but I whole-heartedly beleived that one day it would happen. And happen it did, as if my skirt knew I was coming.

This incident has restored my hope that the day will come that my luggage will be the first piece off the ramp at baggage claim. I girl can dream, can't she?


Our First Christmas: Act 1, Scene 1

Heather: How about this one?
Grant: It's too small.
Heather: No it's not. It's fine.
Grant: It has to be at least as tall as me, at least!
Heather: But honey...
Grant: No. In fact, I need to have to reach to put the tree topper on, okay!
Heather: Okay.
Grant: If that one was for sale, I would take it home with me (pointing to the 40 foot pine tree growing in the Target parking lot.)
Heather: Ok, this one is too small.