
Oh damn.

Valeria: Teacher, you have boobies?
Heather: I'm sorry, what? (stay calm)
Valeria: (pointing up at me) You have boobies, there?
Heather: (What do I do? What do I do?) Um, honey, I don't understand what you are asking me.
Valeria: Boobies, there, on your hand? (pointing to the Band-Aid on my finger)
Heather: A boo-boo! Yes! I have a BOO-BOO! You're right. (Thank God!)


How could I not love this song?

...it’s like flowers or ladybugs
pretty weeds or red beetles with dots

Currently it is my favorite song by Nada Surf and my favorite song overall right now. All in all I enjoyed both The Long Winters and Nada Surf last night at a great venue with even better company.


Funny stuff

I didn't hear what the child said that sparked the comment by my center director, but this was her response to whatever he said:

"No! You do not have any girlfriends! You cannot have a girlfriend until you get a job!"

Yeah...because that is something a four-year-old can relate to.